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jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2011

The FIRE of God and HEALING

The FIRE of God and HEALINGBlessings my dear BRO. and friend...and dear PATOR very used to the glory of God and ALLELUIA ALLELUIA...THAT THE LORD WILL THIS GREATLY USING...AS A FIANCÉ.EACH OF HIS SONS BEING THE PURPOSE TO KNOW THAT MR IS A GOD OF MIRACLES AND HEALINGS...CAME to heal the lepers and give peace to the shot as told the Prophet Isaiah that would RESTORES to Israel...AND SO AS YOU SAID JEREMIAS... And the Prophet John the Baptist...(my BRO. glory Lord gave me a new column that tapeworm was damaged Vertebra 4 and 5. lumbar.creo that is L and says escoriosis) well is one of the miracles that the Lord of glory to fact .and so today give testimony miracles and healings which is grabbing in my every day giving me more and more of his mercy .and thanks today witness .as I am said to have baptism with the Holy Spirit.(DERRAMARE of my holy spirit in the last days and so then we will give testimony qye are sons of God..)(a living God).
Act 1: 8 but ye shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and me ye shall be witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and even the last thing on Earth.)
Blessed is the Lord of glory and Holy Holy, Holy...My dear Pastor does not know the joy that causes me when I see your videos and the Lord of glory you use--and glory to God and Hallelujah...It is good see the miracles that makes per intermediate of you.THE SAME ME A SINCE OF HIS HOLY MERCY GIFTS WHICH I AM PUTTING WORK PER...AND THE GRACE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AND ALLELUIA THAT GOD IS GOOD AND HOLY MERCY ENDURES FOREVER...ESEESMI TESTIMONY TO MY DEAR TODAY SO GIVE TESTIMONY AND AM GIVING IN WEB SITES MUCH HELP MATERIAL ALREADY THAT THE CHURCH PERISHES BY EZCUDRIÑAR THE HOLY SCRIPTURES MISSING...AS THESE GIVE US THE BREAD OF LIFE.AND KNOWING THAT THE LORD COMES TO SEEK A HOLY CHURCH CLEAN AND PURE...AND SIGNALS YOU ARE COMPLYING...INDEED, HIS COMING HOLY...Every day..THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES ARE EVERY DAY ARE STILL ESCRIBEIDNO...DAY TO DAY TELLS ME THE ESPIRITU SANTO AND WILL CONTINUE UNTIL THE LEGACY OF THE MESSIAH... ..I am by bringing together with A PASTOR in Bahia Blanca .the which is a small church that it sent to this city of Neuquen where YO live in these times.(Country Argentina)Pastor called Juan Carlos sanchez and the Lilian Pastora - good my dear brother and friend as the Lord of glory you said to your Apostles being (Apostles) for the honor and glory of God...I AM A CONVERTED (A BORN AGAIN.) (EL_SEÑOR_ME_SACO) eX-Rosacruz.) like the EL PASTOR also DA testimony.(UMBANDA.)EX-UMBANDA... WELL my dear BRO. and friend God will bless you.(I have per LA grace and LA mercy UNA PAGINA EN YUO TU (Mrclaudiobua) and on this page are DANDO testimony...)LIVE AND SO GIVING MATERIAL.TO THE CHURCHES OF PREDIACAS.MANY PASTORS AND SO GIVING REAL THE.GOSPEL...HEALTH.OF THE SOUL...AND NOT THE GOSPEL OF WEALTH. ABUNDANCE /LLA THE HAVE WITH THE LORD OF GLORY AND WAS CALLED JESUS OF NAZARETH. John 3: 16... John 1, 13; BLESSINGS MY DEAR BRO. AND I WOULD LIKE TO TENERLOEN THIS PAGE TO SEE THE BLIND AND THE LAME TO WALK... YOU ME MEANS SHEPHERD...IT IS A TREMENDOUS INSTRUMENT YOU AND ALLELUIA TO THE LORD YOU FOLLOW MINIASTRANDO WITH MORE THAN HIS MERCY...AND HIS LOVE FOR SOULS KNOWING THAT THE HARVEST IS PLENTIFUL AND FEW THAT STAN GRABBING THE WILL OF THE FATHER OF GLORY...BUT HALLELUJAH...MANY THE CALLED AND FEW THE ELECT...Thank you father for this slave Tu this n the gap glory to thy holy name .tu are alpha and OMEGA the first and last...OVER THE CENTURIES OF CENTURIES...Bendigo to your servant my beloved father only TU DAS promise of life.ONLY YOUR ANOINTED MORE THEIR HANDS FOR THE MIRACLES THAT MAKES IN YOUR HOLY NAME...SO CONTINUE TO GIVE TESTIMONY TO WHERE THIS UP TO SAMARIA...God will bless MAS and that his Ministry SEA PROPERADO in the order you name on TDO name Jesus of NAZARETH...You bless Claudio fabian Buchiniz...a humble servant dealing with walk on their Holy fear...for love to not fail the gave his Holy by me and for all...demosle honor and glory...Alone is worth...Thank you Jesus my beloved Salvador.

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